Penitent and Humble | ByTheWell4God

“Because your heart was penitent, and you humbled yourself before the Lord … and you have torn your clothes and wept before me, I also have heard you, declares the Lord”.

2 Kings 22:19 ESV

I’m just beginning to Bible journal my way through the newest ByTheWell4God devotional kit, “Famous Last Words”, and I love that Judi Allen has us first looking at what our heart posture should be each and every time we approach our study of God’s Word…penitent and humble. We start Day 1 by looking at the prophetess Huldah in 2 Kings and her “last words” show the mercy that God showed King Josiah due to his acknowledgment of the idolatry, wickedness, and disobedience during that time.

This couldn’t be more applicable to the world today. We are surrounded by idolatry, wickedness, and disobedience and we as a Church need to be sorrowful for the sin that is being committed by ourselves and those around us.

As I was studying this passage of scripture I came across a commentary by Matthew Henry and he says “God will distinguish those that distinguish themselves…those that most fear God’s wrath are least likely to feel it”. I’m sure your familiar with the expression that the first step to overcoming a problem is to acknowledge it and that basic principal applies to sin behavior as well. Once we acknowledge the sin behavior in our life we can begin to take the steps to repent and, with the power of God, rid our lives of that sin.

A practical way of acknowledging our sin is to simply read God’s Word so that we might know how it is that God expects us to live our lives. Humbling our hearts in prayer and asking that the Holy Spirit would reveal to us, through scripture, the areas in our life that need adjusting.

It is this process of continual sanctification that leads us into living a more holy life dedicated to Christ and who doesn’t want that!? The Bible is full of people like Huldah who, through their words and stories, give us examples and instructions for what a life dedicated to the Lord should look like.

If you’d like to see the Bible art journaling process for this time of study then check out my process video below!

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